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Star wars battlefront thumbnail

star wars battlefront thumbnail

  • Fixed an issue that would cause headshot damage when hitting certain Heroes in the right-side forearm as a Hero.
  • Based on his new era-appropriate appearance, Emperor Palpatine, alongside Chewbacca, is now available as player-controlled and AI Heroes on Age of Resistance – era maps of Supremacy, Instant Action and Co-Op Missions.
  • Scoreboard now shows “Planet” and current “Game Mode”.
  • Kill Message, Legacy – Changed so the Score Feed disappears at the same time as the kill message.
  • High contrast slider to improve readability in the static HUD containers with blurred backgrounds.
  • Game mode bar (Default/ NoOutline/ Off).
  • Cards, starcard shuffle at spawn (On/ Off).
  • Objective at screen Focus (Opacity slider).
  • Objective at screen Zone (Opacity slider).
  • Objective at screen Edge (Opacity slider).
  • Objective Style (Default/ Outline/ No Outline (only letter)/Off).
  • Nametags (Default/ No Outline/ No Background/ Health And Icon/ Only Icon/ Off).
  • Options preview, a new window with a visual representation of each setting.
  • The dominant buff or debuff will be displayed in color, while the weaker one will be greyed out.
  • When affected both by damage increase and damage decrease at the same time, we show both icons in your own health bar.
  • This is shown by an icon consisting of two red horizontal spikes above players´ heads, in the hit marker animation, and in your own health bar.
  • from BB-8´s Resistance Backing or Dooku´s Expose Weakness abilities.
  • Added in-game messaging for when you take increased damage, e.g.
  • The First Order Snowtrooper appearance is now available for First Order Assault-class troopers as a selectable appearance across Age of Resistance maps.
  • Cosmetic items that were previously available to unlock only through Events are now available to unlock through Milestones.
  • Previously map-specific appearances for the Galactic Empire troopers are now available as selectable appearances across Age of Rebellion maps.
  • star wars battlefront thumbnail

  • Vehicle units are added as AI players on certain maps on Co-Op and Instant Action Missions (Geonosis, Kashyyyk, Naboo, Felucia, Hoth, Endor, Yavin 4, Takodana and Ajan Kloss).
  • New appearances for Darth Maul and Rey are available to unlock via Milestones.
  • New Episode IX-inspired appearances for Rey, Kylo Ren and Emperor Palpatine are now available to all players.
  • Co-Op Missions are now available on the MC85 Star Cruiser and Resurgent-Class Star Destroyer.
  • New Missions (Attack) and Missions (Defend) modes added under Instant Action, allowing you to play Co-Op style maps as a single-player alongside AI.
  • Supremacy and Instant Action are now available in the Age of Rebellion (Death Star II, Hoth, Yavin 4, Tatooine and Scarif).
  • Scarif added as a new playable map on Co-Op Missions, Supremacy, Instant Action, Heroes Vs.

  • Star wars battlefront thumbnail